About Me

I am a 50 year old guy who has a wonderful family and God has blessed me. I have 4 children and I have been married to my wife Christie for 27 years. God has blessed us with the ability to still spend time together and enjoy each others company (most days). We have 2 beautiful grand children and 2 dogs. I am thankful to have a job and great friends as well. I have many things that I am interested in and this site will be my place to share what is important to me and what I think is worth sharing.

Look at GOD like my sister would say. Looks like they were wrong. This is a very old Egyptian document in stone. It references several different nations including ancient Israel. Its called the Merneptah Stele and it references several battles with ancient people groups and cities, among them it mentions Israel. It states:

With this blog I will be talking about things that I have learned about GOD and how he is working in my life and in the scriptures.

Damien T. Valdés - blog
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